LEBENSWERT ARBEITEN MIT PERSPEKTIVE Finden, was andere noch suchen.

Gut bezahlte Jobs mit exzellenten Aufstiegschancen an einem lebenswerten Standort? Innovation und Erfüllung in der eigenen Tätigkeit? In der Region A³ finden Fachkräfte, was sie sich wünschen. Hier kooperiert ein breit aufgestellter Mittelstand mit Hidden Champions. Dynamische Startups treffen ... mehr
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LOCATION WITH A SUSTAINABLE PERSPECTIVE Sustainable progress – The location with vision

The appeal of the A³ region is unbroken. By 2026, 700,000 people are expected to live and work here. Countless career paths are open in the Augsburg economic region. A³ is a high-tech region and a centre of attraction for innovation-driven companies and people. They appreciate the central ... mehr
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Success story of district augsburg and Aichach Friedberg The land of A³: versatile and endearing

In A³, urban life and rural idyll are side by side. In addition to the city of Augsburg, it is the two districts of Augsburg and Aichach-Friedberg that make the region a place worth living in. Where innovation and recreation, creativity and tradition are lived. Where nature is so close and ... mehr
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Erfolgsstory Lebenslanges Lernen Man lernt nie aus – Lebenslanges Lernen in A³

Mit dem raschen Wandel unserer Gesellschaft kommen laufend neue Anforderungen in Beruf und Privatleben auf uns zu. Um hier nicht den Anschluss zu verlieren, ist lebenslanges Lernen der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Nicht nur für Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft, sondern auch für die persönliche Entwicklung ... mehr
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Success story International School Augsburg International location, international education

The International School Augsburg was founded in 2005 to support the regional economy. Today, the school is an important location factor and it is impossible to imagine the A³ region without it. Its globally recognized, English-language learning concept enables companies in the region to recruit ... mehr
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Erfolgsstory Internationale Vereine A³ and the world: International asociations and partnerships

The Augsburg region offers a variety of international associations and initiatives that enrich cultural life in the region. The associations make a major contribution to making the Augsburg region a place of diversity and togetherness. Twin towns and municipalities provide the foundation for ... mehr
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Erfolgsstory Integration am Arbeitsmarkt We are International – integration in the labour market

A job is an important integration factor for migrants. For companies in Region A3, foreign skilled workers expand the potential pool of applicants for vacancies. A win-win situation on both sides. Initiatives and companies from the region show how integration in the labour market can succeed.
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Success story Features of the region A³ is all of this – and much more

How would you describe the Augsburg region? What characterises its inhabitants and how can the regional attitude to life be described? Not so easy, is it? As part of a project sponsored by the Free State of Bavaria, Regio Augsburg Wirtschaft GmbH looked into these and similar questions and, among ... mehr
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