That's what it's all about:
Many people in A³ identify with their home region through membership of a regional association. Thanks to the commitment of many volunteers, the region's vibrant club culture can succeed.
The club landscape in the A³ region is diverse and colourful. The district of Aichach-Friedberg alone has more than 1000 clubs. And if the sports and shooting clubs in the city and district of Augsburg are counted, there are around 600 more. There is no question that there is something for everyone here: whether singing togehter in a choir, rehearsing in a theatre club or going on a excursions with rural youth and tractor enthusiasts. In the region's clubs and societies, everyone - regardless of age or interests - finds a place to be with and for eath other. A place where people with the same goals come together, have conversation and spend their free time in community.
Commitment to nature and home
People in A³ value the sociability that characterises club life. This is why many citizens volunteer in the region's associations to realise cultural, social or ecological goals. The Gessertshausen gardening association creates flowering areas to create habitats for insects and preserve biodiversity. The local history association for the district of Augsburg preserves regional culture with the Staudenhaus Farmers' Museum and researches the history of the Augsburg region. The ‘Almarausch’ heritage and folk costume associaton in Mering also cultivates traditions with Plattl rehearsals and the forest festival. The association is particulary proud of its dedicated traditional costume youth.
This is how clubs make the future better:
The citizens involved in the associations
- carry out important social, ecological an cultural work
- maintain togetherness in the region
- ensure that regional traditions are kept alive
Community through festivals and events
The festivals and events organised by many clubs are not just an annual highlight for their own members. They are also popular with local residents and beyond. In many communities in Augsburg city and district and Aichach- Friedberg, for example, events such as the annual maypole festivals with maypole raising, the parish fair, senior citizens afternoons or anniversary celebration ensure a varied community life. Festivals that strengthen the community in the village, because everyone is welcome. So if you fancy an interesting event, you don't have to travel far.
From fishing to Zumba – club sports in the region
The numerous sports clubs in A³ also ensure a regional sense of community and a traditional club culture. Almost one in four people in the city of Augsburg is a member of a sports or shooting club. In addition to the premier league club FCA, probably the best-known sports club in the region is Augsburg's ice skating club (AEV) with the Panthers, who play first-class ice hockey. Sports enthusiasts from the region regularly cheer on their favourite clubs when they score goals. The Kanu Schwaben Augsburg e.V. sports club is also very succesful in international competitions, for example at the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo. However, in addition to competitive sport, popular sport in the region and the associated club life is also particulary popular. Thanks to the valuable work of many volunteers, countless sports clubs offer a wide range of activities. From American football to motorsport and yoga. Whether young or old. Newcomers to the region can also socialise through the clubs and make friends in their new home. In short: sport is not only fun, it also brings people in the region together. Life in the sports clubs is by no means negelcted.
An important pillar of regional identity
Dass die Vereinskultur in A³ eine große Bedeutung hat, beweist die Vielzahl an regionalen Vereinen. Mit ihren Festen und das bunte Vereinsleben bringen sie zweifelsohne Leben in die Region. Doch vor allem schenken sie den BürgerInnen ein Gefühl von Gemeinschaft und Angekommen-Sein. Dass die Vereinskultur in A³ auch in Zukunft besteht, ist dem starken Engagement vieler Freiwilliger zu verdanken.
The large number of regional clubs and societies proves that club culture is very important in A³. With their festivals and colourful club life, they undoubtedly bring life to the region. But above all, they give citizens a sense of community and a feeling of having arrived. The fact that the club culture in A³ will continue to exist in the future is thanks to the strong commitment of many volunteers.
The fact that sports clubs in our country contribute to the common good has also been recognised by the German UNESCO Commission since 2021. The ‘public welfare-oriented sports club culture’ is part of the nationwide list of intangible cultural heritage.
Further links
Overview pages for the (sports) clubs in the district:
- City of Augsburg:
- District of Augsburg:
- District of Aichach-Friedberg: