Success story international clubs A³ and the world: International asociations and partnerships

The Augsburg region offers a variety of international associations and initiatives that enrich cultural life in the region. The associations make a major contribution to making the Augsburg region a place of diversity and togetherness. Twin towns and municipalities provide the foundation for international friendships and cooperation.

That's what it's all about:

There are many international associations in the Augsburg region that promote intercultural exchange through their activities.

Both the city of Augsburg and the districts of Augsburg and Aichach-Friedberg are home to many cultures. International associations form an important foundation for intercultural exchange: on the one hand, they help migrants to find their way around Augsburg and the region and, on the other, they offer interested and committed Augsburg residents a place to make (international) contacts. The variety of different associations reflects the diversity of the region and makes it possible to experience intercultural activities almost every day.

United in the future

The international associations are active in the fields of education, culture and sport. Many of them have been in existence for several decades. The range of activities of the associations is broad: from educational work and sport to advisory services and integration projects. In addition, international clubs maintain contacts and partnerships with corresponding clubs abroad. Especially for young people, but also for adults, these associations often offer the opportunity to experience other cultures authentically and up close through exchange programs. During an exchange, the participants are taken in by families and experience the foreign culture in a very special way that is probably not available to “ordinary tourists”. A special kind of experience that broadens horizons.

Als Anlaufstelle für MigrantInnen bieten internationale Vereine auch die Möglichkeit der Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe. Gemeinsam lassen sich so Behördengänge und weitere bürokratische Notwendigkeiten organisieren. Darüber hinaus sind die Vereine im Veranstaltungskalender der Region fester Bestandteil. Feiern und Veranstaltungen bringen interessierten BürgerInnen die fremde Kultur näher. Auf der anderen Seite leisten internationale Vereine auch für die Integration Zugezogener einen wichtigen Beitrag. Oft sind sie Bestandteil von Stadtfesten oder haben einen Stand auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt der Gemeinden.

This is how international clubs make the future better:

  • International associations build bridges between cultures and break down prejudices
  • Events and exchange programs bring foreign cultures to life
  • They are an important partner for the successful integration of migrants in the region
  • Represent German culture and regional traditions abroad

For example, the Asyrian Mesopotamia Association Augsburg e.V. will be serving traditional dishes at the peace table at the High Peace Festival on August 8th. As a city of peace, the city of Augsburg invites people to share the food they have brought with them and get to know their (table) neighbors. The members of the association marched in traditional Assyrian costumes in the traditional Plärrer parade.

The twinning associations of the town of Neusäß in the district of Augsburg are also represented with stands at the town festival or the Christmas market and keep the friendship between the towns alive. The Neusäß-Cusset twinning association, for example, is represented at each of the twin towns' Christmas markets during the festive season.

The Augsburg International Women's Association sees itself as a contact point for women with an “international spirit”. The association offers various activities for intercultural exchange. Whether language courses, cooking classes or sports lessons - through various activities, deep friendships are formed in the most diverse cultural circles. This often leads to exciting opportunities and synergies.

If you are interested in Augsburg's position in the world, the Augsburg International Association is the right place for you. International personalities are invited to give lectures and take part in discussions. In addition, intercultural exchange is encouraged during citizens' trips or cooking evenings.

These examples provide just a small insight into the wide range of activities on offer. The list of international associations and organizations that are active in the Augsburg region is long. There is sure to be something suitable for everyone in the City of Peace and its region.

Learning from each other: twin towns and partner municipalities

Town twinning promotes peace, cultural understanding and the elimination of prejudices. Augsburg maintains such partnerships with seven cities worldwide, including Bourges (France), Dayton (USA) and Jinan (China). Other municipalities in the region also maintain close international relationships. Activities range from youth camps and school exchanges to specific projects. International associations keep these partnerships alive. They also offer economic opportunities such as joint projects, internships abroad and the exchange of innovative ideas.

The contacts that are formed and maintained through international associations and partnerships build mutual understanding and trust. This promotes the growing together of Europe and pursues the goal of a peaceful world.

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